Chapter 138: The Dragon

 ”Soul crystal? Are you sure?”

 Yang Yang raised his voice in surprise. This answer was beyond his expectation.

 Bean Sprout was dissatisfied with Yang Yang’s disbelieving tone, and shook its branch: “Ji!”

 ——I never make mistakes when it comes to food!

 After a pause, Bean Sprout continued: “Jiji…”

 ——But this stuff is very hard to eat. Not only can it not be digested, it will also swallow up my soul power. I only tasted it once a long time ago.

 Yang Yang didn’t care if it tasted bad or not. He picked up the medicine stone and looked at it. No matter how it looked, it didn’t look like the soul crystal he knew.

 So Yang Yang looked at Archibald and asked: “Duke, is there such a soul crystal?”

 Archibald also looked puzzled: “I have never seen anything like this. The existing soul crystals are all blue crystals. It’s just that the soul power reserves and purity differ among them.”

 Yang Yang frowned. He didn’t doubt Bean Sprout’s judgment. After thinking about it, he asked again: “Are there any special circumstances that could cause such changes?”

 Archibald paused for a moment. “No. But there is one soul beast whose soul crystal has never been found.”

 Yang Yang was stunned: “What kind?”

 Archibald: “Dragon-level soul beast.”

 ”Huh? That’s not right.”

 Yang Yang was confused, “The information I read said that after grandpa killed the dragon-level soul beast, the city was covered with blue soul crystals, so many that they flooded the streets. The city looked like flowing with a blue ocean.”

 Archibald shook his head, “This description is correct — too many soul beasts appeared at that time directly on the surface of the planet. Everyone was either fighting or fleeing, and no one would collect the soul crystals dropped by these soul beasts.

 It was already three months after the dragon-level soul beast had been killed. At that time, many soul crystals could be seen everywhere on the Old Emperor Star. However, there were no dragon-level soul crystals among them, and no witnesses had seen whether the dragon-level soul beast dropped a soul crystal— The moment the dragon-level soul beast died, a soul power storm erupted, destroying all recording electronic equipment. The only survivor, my grandfather, fell unconscious after killing the dragon-level soul beast.”

 Yang Yang was puzzled, “How can you be sure that there was no dragon-level soul crystal among those soul crystals?”

 Archibald: “The levels of soul beasts are fixed, and so are their soul crystals. —All of the soul crystals had been taken for testing in the place where dragon-level soul beast fell, but no soul crystals exceeding E-class soul beasts had ever been found.”

 Yang Yang looked at the medicine stone. The instrument could not detect the soul beast soul power of the medicine stone, so even if someone found the medicine stone at that time, they would only treat it as an ordinary medicine stone. Stone.

 Yang Yang: “If it is the dragon soul crystal, then the medicine stone’s suppressive effect on the soul beast’s soul power is actually one crystal devouring the weaker one, while strengthening the medicine stone itself. This is truly drinking poison to quench thirst.”

 Yang Yang recalled what happened in the village and what he had found there, and then thought about the changes in the soul power of Archibald and He Shu after eating the fruit, then fell into silence.

 Archibald did not disturb him and sat quietly beside him.

 Cream Puff had already burped, now restless again, and was trying hard to climb up the mountain that was Archibald’s shoulder.

 Archibald felt Cream Puff’s movements and stretched out his hand to support Cream Puff’s furry butt, letting him crawl more smoothly.

 Cream Puff successfully reached the top. The little guy couldn’t stand firmly, but he was not afraid at all. He even shouted with great majesty: “Mmh!”

 Big daddy, look at me!

 Yang Yang was brought back to his senses by Cream Puff’s voice, looked up, and laughed: “Climbed up by yourself?”

 Cream Puff: “Um!”

 Archibald also nodded, “He’s a little stronger.”

 Yang Yang was surprised: “It’s only been two days since he hatched.”

 Cream Puff: “Umhh!”


 After climbing up the shoulder, Cream Puff aimed at Archibald’s head again. But he couldn’t use his claws to climb up his dad’s head.

 So Cream Puff stretched out his little front paws and patted Archibald’s ears with his pink pads: “Hmm!”

 Little daddy, lower your head!

 Archibald seemed to understand Cream Puff’s meaning, and lowered his head to make it easier for climbing.

 Cream Puff was so excited that he immediately stepped on the back of Archibald’s neck boldly. However, the reality did not meet expectations. As soon as he stepped on it, Cream Puff stumbled over and fell down with a grunt of his chubby body.

 Fortunately, Archibald had already put his hands behind his neck and caught falling Cream Puff.

 Cream Puff lay on all fours on Archibald’s palm, stunned for a moment. He was not frightened, but just surprised that he had failed? ? Shouldn’t he reach the sky in one step? ?

 Aii, forget it, failure is the mother of success!

 After Cream Puff quickly adjusted his mentality, he started to twist, twist, twist.

 Then he couldn’t twist himself to his paws.

 Cream Puff: “…”

 No, he wasn’t round, just fluffy!

 After Cream Puff realized that he couldn’t stand up, he stretched out his paw and patted the back of Archibald’s neck: “Umm!”

 Little daddy, give me a hand.

 Archibald didn’t understand, but he roughly understood Cream Puff’s troubles, so he held him up with his hand and buckled it up a little, and successfully pulled back the overturned Cream Puff.

 Cream Puff, who had regained his glory, was in high spirits: “Umh!”

 Keep going!

 Seeing how fearless Cream Puff was, Yang Yang sighed with some foreboding: “After he learns to jump and run, the manor won’t be big enough to hold him.”

 Archibald: “It’s okay, the manor can be expanded.”

 Yang Yang: “…”

 Is this the point? ? ?

 Archibald had already changed the topic: “Have you thought of anything about the dragon soul crystal?”

 Yang Yang retracted his gaze and said: “I was thinking about the gray soul power— that is, the one that appeared after red fruit interacted with the medicine stone’s soul power. Something. I wonder if it could be the soul power of the soul core, because some people infected by ordinary soul power also had such soul power.”

 Archibald: “It’s very possible, since you saw that soul power has different colors, so the gray color must have its own characteristics.”

 Yang Yang: “Also, I once told you that all soul power in this world comes from the same source and can be transformed into each other.”

 Archibald: “Yes. The relationship between the soul core and mineral essence and soul essence plants also supports your conjecture.”

 Yang Yang: “Now add another condition, level suppression.”

 ”Although they have the same origin, soul beasts and humans have the same origin. The essential line of isolation — the soul power of the soul cube can cross this line, so the soul power level of the soul cube is higher than that of the medicine stone.

 But at the same time, the soul power of the soul cube is similar to that of the medicine stone — it does not affect soul power of living creatures, such as people and soul essence plants, so it will not react to them. But when it encounters negative soul power, it will start cleansing it.”

 ”So, the gray soul power appearing upon reaction between fruit and medicine stones is dependant on the level of the medicinal stone it comes into contact with, reducing it to the gray soul power of the soul beast.”

 At this time, Cream Puff had climbed onto Archibald’s head. Because he was too tired, he collapsed into a small blanket and rested on Archibald’s head. ——After gathering enough strength, he will roar!

 Archibald carefully straightened his head and looked at Yang Yang with bright eyes: “If this is the case, is it possible to remove the soul power of the medicine stone at once?”

 Yang Yang shook his head: “Don’t forget the burden of consuming the medicine stone on the body. Even if you can bear it, don’t forget that there is a secondary decomposition to the gray soul power in your body.”

 Archibald remembered — the gray soul power generated in his body will be decomposed into black and beige in the aftermath.

 The black color will no longer be swallowed by the medicine stone, but the light beige color will.

 Archibald frowned: “Second decomposition, have you thought about the reason?”

 Yang Yang pursed his lips, “It’s not a pleasant idea.”

 Archibald had already guessed: “Dragon-level beast’s soul core.”

 Yang Yang nodded: “That’s right. There shouldn’t be so much dragon soul core, so it makes a choice — it purifies the gray soul power again, removing the bad and retaining the good.”

 Archibald was silent for a few seconds, before saying: “When I had an attack, I didn’t feel that my self-awareness was being invaded. But after my adulthood, the soul riot symptoms did become more and more serious each time I had an attack.”

 Yang Yang grabbed Archibald’s hand and said: “It’s okay, with the soul power of the fruit, even if you do it little by little, it’s possible to clear the soul power of the medicine stone one day.”

 As for whether the consciousness of the dragon soul core will gather, neither of them mentioned it in tacit agreement.

 At this moment, Archibald’s terminal rang. It was a call from Ashburn.


 Archibald answered the call without saying much, and hung up after two minutes. Then he pulled out an open light screen from the terminal and placed it in front of him and Yang Yang.

 Yang Yang took a look and found that there were only a few words on it: lord, supreme power, world-wide miracle, abandoned gray stone, garbage, damn black cat, white crystal, complete.

 Yang Yang didn’t understand: “What is this?”

 Archibald: “Brother Ash said they found Dr. Lu. This is the relic left by Dr. Lu.”

 Yang Yang was startled, “Relic? Dr. Lu died? How did she die?”

 Archibald: “She shot herself in an abandoned area and set herself on fire. When she was found, the body was so damaged that the human shape could not be seen. After verification, it was discovered that it was Dr. Lu who was being pursued, but there was no citizen information about her in the database.

 Only a chip that could be barely repaired was found at the scene, and this is the information extracted from the chip.”

 Yang Yang did not have any regrets about Dr. Lu’s death. If he had the time, he might as well sympathize with the villagers.

 Yang Yang’s eyes fell on those words. After reading them several times, Yang Yang really saw some meaning: “These words are very emotional, a bit like a diary. Generally, what is written in a diary is what matters most to themselves.”

 Archibald agreed with Yang Yang’s idea: “Lord, power, miracle, these words should be emotional expressions directed at that mysterious man. Trash, abandoned gray stone, damn black cat, These negative emotions should be directed at her enemies, these two phrases, white crystal and complete, aren’t telling much.”

 Yang Yang: “If you think about her recent encounters, you can guess it. —For example, the damn black cat, a black cat, do you think she means a Lester beast-shape form?”

 Archibald thought for a while, and he could indeed understand it this way.

 But Cream Puff had a different opinion: “Umh!”

 I’m caramel-colored!

 Archibald was still holding a hand on Cream Puff’s back, and smiled when he heard this: “En, Cream Puff is caramel colored, very beautiful.”

 Cream Puff proudly raised his chin: “Umh!”

 Of course!

 Yang Yang was amused and glanced at Archibald teasingly: “Do you understand what he’s saying?”

 Archibald responded to Yang Yang with a “you know” smile: “It’s always correct to praise him.”

 Cream Puff: “Um!”

 That’s right! Whoever praises me is correct!

 Yang Yang laughed, reached out and pinched Cream Puff’s tail with one hand, and then continued to talk to Archibald about business.

 Yang Yang: “Besides the black cat, I care more about this— the abandoned gray stone. I think she meant the soul core.”

 Archibald thought for a moment. The soul core is a dark transparent crystal, and it is made of waste. The stone medicine certainly fits this description.

 Then, Yang Yang clicked on the two words “white crystal”.

 ”By analogy, white crystal should also refer to it. I think it is a successful medicine — otherwise her description should be white glass or something.”

 Archibald laughed. Then when he thought about it again, the smile disappeared.

 ”If we surmise this way, the medicine the mysterious man wants is probably the dragon soul core. But can the dragon soul core be used as medicine?”

 Yang Yang: “Maybe it’s to summon the dragon?”

 Archibald: “……

 Yang Yang thought for a while: “Forget it, let’s not think about it, summoning a dragon sounds a bit scary.”

 Archibald: “…”

 After Archibald was silent, he confirmed Yang Yang’s idea: “You just said that the medicinal stone soul power in my body has the consciousness to eliminate the unnecessary and retain the essential essence— if that mysterious person also has a dragon soul core in his body, and the consciousness of the dragon soul core is dominant, then it is easy to understand that he needs the dragon soul core ——For him, it is not medicine, but food.

 Moreover, in Dr. Lu’s diary, the words ‘power’, ‘world wide’, and ‘miracle’ also have explanations— no one can deny these descriptions from dragon-level soul beast.”

 Yang Yang nodded, then hesitated: “…So, the dragon-level soul beast is an intelligent creature?”

 Archibald raised his eyebrows and pointed to Bean Sprout on the table: “Even it can be intelligent. “

 Yang Yang: “True!”

 Bean Sprout: “…ji??”

 What do you mean? ? Don’t insult the trees! !

 Archibald had other things that he cared more about than the wisdom of Bean Sprout and dragon-level soul beast.

 Archibald looked at Yang Yang: “Do you think my uncle is the mysterious person?”

 The expression on Yang Yang’s face also calmed down. He stretched out his hand to take the Bean Sprout back into the Soul Cube, and then looked at Archibald.

 ”I do suspect it. —When he got sick yesterday, I asked Roth to watch him.”

 Yang Yang raised his head and looked at the Black Panther standing by the wall: “Roth, show the recording to the Duke.”

 ”Okay, Master.”

 Black Panther activated, and a marshmallow display immediately appeared above his head, showing an energetic emoticon: OVO

 Archibald: “…”

 Although the atmosphere was wrong, he really couldn’t help but stare at what’s above the black panther’s head.

 Roth played the recording to Archibald. After listening to it, Archibald frowned.

 Yang Yang: “I thought it was a split personality at first, but the concept of another consciousness makes more sense. —Moreover, when uncle got sick, Roth only appeared for a moment, and uncle Ya Qing immediately discovered Roth’s existence nearby. This kind of keen perception should also be related to his illness, or in other words, to the perception ability of another consciousness.”

 Archibald took a breath: “But he is indeed treating us.”

 Yang Yang smiled “Yes, because the mysterious person and your treatment are not conflicting with each other. —Of course, I hope my guess is wrong, but I think it is better to tell Dad and the others about my uncle’s mental state and his illness. “

 After all, Ya Qing was Abel’s only living sibling.

 Archibald: “I will tell Dad.”

 Cream Puff: “Umh!”

 Archibald: “…”

 Yang Yang: “…”

 The slightly somber atmosphere was instantly pierced, Yang Yang raised his head and looked at Cream Puff in amusement: “What are you talking about?”

 Cream Puff raised his short paw and pointed outside: “Hmm!”

 Let’s go out and play!

 Archibald also smiled: “Let’s take him out for a walk.”

 Yang Yang stood up and moved his legs, “Okay, let’s go.”


Author has something to say:

Cream Puff: If you’re sad, look at this baby and you’ll become happy!

Published by Bambootriangle

My obsession: danmei Translating: one chapter per two days unless not Reading: 24/7 All my social media: @SHTriangulum

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